OTS Group

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Fuel Theft: an ongoing problem for farmers

As winter nights set in, and under cover of darkness, thieves will use every trick in the book to steal fuel from farms.

All farms are different in size and degree of vulnerability and will have already addressed this problem in individual ways with varying degrees of success, but this crime still figures as one of the most expensive and disruptive for farmers when it happens.

Dealing with prevention has a basic set of rules for every farm: Try to locate the fuel store near to habitation, if possible, have an alert and alarm system with good lighting, fence the location with a security barrier and always lock the fuel distribution and filling access points securely with top quality padlocks.

One of the most important protections against theft, however, is to use a high-quality steel bunded tank with added security features protecting key tank entry points, such as tank lids and pipe work.

As a tried and tested response to this, OTS SecuriTanks™ are top quality bunded tanks which can include secure steel cabinets with lockable roller shutter doors if specified. OTS are long established leaders in the fuel storage and distribution industry and can supply and install all equipment required to pump and record fuel use, important management systems designed to reduce fuel theft at all stages of fuelling and storage for farms or for any industry vulnerable to fuel theft.

To ensure the safety of your fuel, please get in touch.